Data protection and cookies

Cookie name:PurposeDuration
PH_HPXY_CHECKWordpress (The cookie uses a security system to prevent brute foce attacks and does not allow the identification of an individual user)Current session
PHPSESSIDWordpress (Cookie allows you to save sessions between individual requests within the content management system)Current
Google analitics _ga ,_gid
Saving the decision on the use of cookies… triggering analytics of the visitCurrent
_icl_current_languageWPML-Save the language value of the siteCurrent
_icl_current_admin_language_This cookie remembers the languageCurrent

Request for deletion of data

  • enter your e-mail address in the field below and you will be notified shortly of the deletion of your personal data


    By using this form, you agree to the deletion of your personal data